Nationally and locally, things are moving along with the Tea Party movement. Here are some updates on where we stand and what’s happening:
Tea Party? 912Project? Are you confused?
By way of background, the tea party movement got started across the country sometime in late February after Rick Santelli called for a Chicago tea party to protest the bailouts. People in several cities picked up that idea and independently held tea parties over the next few weeks, and the groups mushroomed across the country.
Also in February, Glenn Beck started the “We Surround Them” project after a caller said he felt alone in his concern for the country (this became the 9-12 Project). Glenn said not to give up hope, that there are a lot of us out there, and he had a special TV show on March 13 to talk about the principles of the 9-12 project. Read more at the 9-12 Project website. There is a tab for tea party information, but the 9-12 Project is about more than tea parties.
The local Columbus Tea Party group is headed up by Sandy Toth, (click here to see Sandy speaking at the 4/15 tea party). (Note, this is not me, a few people are getting us mixed up because we have the same first name.)
The local 912Project was started by Lori Jeffries, the lady who led the National Anthem at the 4/15 tea party.
In early April, Lori decided that the 912Project would participate with the Tea Party group on April 15 as Sandy already had the necessary permits. However, the two groups did not merge. Lori recently asked Nic Cols to take the leadership of the 912Project group.
As it stands now, the Columbus Tea Party group is separate from the 912Project. The two groups will cooperate to support each other and neither group is associated with any political party. By using various methods, both groups want to see the country get back to following the Constitution. Obviously, you might want to be involved with both groups and that’s good! If you signed up at the 4/15 tea party, both groups have your email.
Recently Sandy Toth wrote: I have been on another conference call with tea party organizers nationwide, and it appears that most groups have something planned for May ... the Tea Party movement has become a dynamic one, with no signs of slowing down. In fact, it keeps growing.’
Nationally, Tea Party Patriots seeks to pull together all the tea party groups. Sandy Toth is asking all of us to join Tea Party Patriots so we can be aware of local and national events. There are other groups working at a national level (some were listed in the May 1 newsletter) so you might want to join them all or at least check out their websites occasionally.
“Next Step” Training for Tea Parties sponsored by Americans for Prosperity. A free training session is scheduled in Columbus for Tuesday May 12. There is limited seating, please contact Sandy Toth ( to ask if there’s still room if you’d like to come. AFP writes:
“We are pleased and overwhelmed at the response to our “Next Steps” training for Tea Party activists! Those who are willing to train for the long haul really separate the men from the boys in the movement. ...
The first training was held in Stockbridge last week. Training focused on effective communication with elected leaders and through various media to John Q. Public. The group was enthusiastic and committed to carrying the message well.”
May 30, local event
Our next local event is "Restore the Republic" tentatively scheduled May 30. Location and time to be announced. This is not a “protest” event but a “learning” event, to learn about the Constitution, what the founders intended, and how the federal government has ignored it. Please invite friends and bring them with you
Sandy Toth sent this email message: We are still looking for a venue, basically contacting churches this week. The school system cost for an auditorium would run $300+ and includes a lot of bureaucratic application.
July 4 Independence Day Volunteers Needed
Locally we plan to have a tea party or a march in Columbus, no details yet. Some have suggested going to the state capitols to make an impression with the size of the group.
Other groups plan to have a Tea Party float in their town’s parade. I’ve been here for just two summers, but I don’t think Columbus has a parade on the fourth. I’ve only heard about “Thunder on the Hooch”. We need to be represented at this event on the river. Volunteers are needed to investigate and work on this idea. (Remember, we are all volunteers, and it’s impossible for the same two or three people to do it all.) What about other towns in this area that might have parades we could join? Our focus isn’t limited to Columbus.
September 12, Washington DC:
9.12.09 National Taxpayer Protest is sponsoring a national march on Washington on September 12, with a rally on the Mall. Let’s try to attend. We might have a local event for those who can’t travel to DC.
October 2, Washington DC:
Taxpayer Tea Party Update by Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity (AFP).
Read the News and Take Action
Some of these appeared in previous newsletters but they are too important not to mention them again
Grassfire has several petitions and action items that are important.
Tell Congress NO to Cap-and-Trade!
A family of 4 with average income of $50,000 to $75,000/ year will pay an additional tax cost of $4077 to $6400 per year. Spread the word, write or call your reps, write a letter to the editor, call in to talk radio and raise this issue. We need to educate Americans about the negative effects of cap-and-trade.
Top 10 Reasons to Oppose Cap and Trade
House Begins Cap-and-Trade Hearings
Don't Use Climate Change to Hide Tax Hikes!
Green Hell: Obama’s Environmental Plans will Lead to Energy Chaos Author Says
Could We Be Looking at the Biggest Tax Hike in History?
So-Called Fairness Doctrine is Probably Coming Back
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas offers legal insight on fairness doctrine:
Fairness Doctrine Unconstitutional Also see Obama’s War on Free Speech and Censors expected in 90 days
ENUMERATED POWERS ACT Contact Representatives to support this act, to require Congress to specify the source of authority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes.
Nationalized Health Plan – this article from Feb 9 describes the national health care provision hidden in the budget. Ruin Your Health With the Obama Stimulus Plan: by Betsy McCaughey, former lieutenant governor of New York and an adjunct senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.
National and Local Tea Party News and Columns
(just a few I’ve seen)
10th Amendment Movement Gaining Steam by Rick Moran 4/17
The People and Their Enemies by Andrew Klavan 5/7. The tea parties revealed the mainstream media’s real hostility to the ideals of the founding fathers. “Saying the media are biased is like saying the British were biased against the colonial forces at Bunker Hill…. I think they’re shooting at us because they’re trying to kill us.”
Age of Insanity -- a modern day fairy tale. This is all over the internet, being shared in emails and blogs. I don’t know who first wrote it, but it is unfortunately not a fairy tale.
Bluff Called by Doug Powers 4/30
Tea Party Directories All-in-one part way down the page is a summary of what tea parties are protesting, with a lot of interesting tea party info.
Think about it
The Freedom Principles This beautiful 3-minute video is based on The 5000 Year Leap, be sure to watch amd share with everyone!
The National Center for Constitutional Studies for lots of information about the Constitution. Right now they have a special offer on three books: The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson, The Real Benjamin Franklin for $35 +shipping. Or get those 3 books plus The 5000 Year Leap, a Pocket Constitution, and Principles of Liberty DVD for $50+shipping.
Imprimis -- the monthly newsletter from Hillsdale College. This month: Live Free or Die by Mark Steyn
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. —Thomas Jefferson
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. — Thomas Paine, December 19, 1776
My creed is simply: First, that the general government is not invested with more powers than are indispensably necessary.... Secondly, that these powers...are so distributed among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches that it can never be in danger of degenerating into a monarchy... so long as there shall remain any virtue in the body of the people.... The proposed provided with more checks and barriers against the introduction of tyranny...than any government hitherto instituted among mortals. — George Washington to Lafayette, Feb 7, 1788 (The Real George Washington, p. 503, italics added)
Share your recommendations of great books that educate us in history, government, economics, etc…anything pertaining to this movement.
Your Money or Your Life -- Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax by Sheldon Richman, foreword by Walter Williams. “The income tax wasn't integral to anything the Founders of this country had in mind and it wasn't integral to anything they designed.” I bought a used copy from Amazon. There are other books with this title, so check the author.
The Creature from Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin “will change the way you view the world, politics, and money. Your world view will definitely change. You'll never trust a politician again — or a banker.” Several people recommended this book.
The Road to Serfdom by Fredrick Hayek, recommended by H. Casablanca. “Originally published in 1944, it was seen as heretical for its passionate warning against the dangers of state control over the means of production”
Final thoughts:
I read this on the home page of the Athens, Ga Tea Party website:
Our government is out of control. Both political parties have acted irresponsibly with our money, our safety, and our freedoms. Sworn to uphold the Constitution and our founding principles, they have acted recklessly and with disrespect to We the People.
What began as a gradual erosion of our freedoms some years ago has escalated into an open attack on our liberty. The power that We the People loaned to our government is now being used against us and must be taken back!
While We the People were busy in our lives, acting responsibly, caring for our families, and trying to find and live our American Dream we assumed that the blessings of Liberty had been, and would remain, secure. The tyranny our Founding Fathers defined, fought, and defeated has found a new home in our federal government and is growing more comfortable daily.
We the People cannot, and will not, allow this tyranny to exist, much less be comfortable. We must Defend Freedom and Defy Tyranny if we wish to live as free men and women. Those who will not stand in defense of freedom and opposition to tyranny will be enslaved by tyrants.
Come stand united as We the People, the rightful owners of power in this country. Come tell an out-of-control government – “ENOUGH! You work for US!” We were endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights – our rights do not come from government and we will not allow them to take them. Stand united! Stand to Defend Freedom and Defy Tyranny! --
That says it pretty well. Thanks for reading, please share this news with like-minded friends.
If you have suggestions, please leave a comment or email me at Sandy Cols.